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Welcome to - Online Hunting Log is the premiere online resource for sharing and tracking your hunting expeditions. Share hunting photos and stories with your fellow hunters, friends and relatives. Track data from previous hunting expeditions to create more successful future hunts.

This site was started by our hunting crew to improve our hunting success. Our hunting party has been keeping a written log of deer hunting activity since 1983 that notes the who, what, where and when of all deer taken in our party. - Online Hunting Log compiles and sorts that information, creating meaningful statistics that can help your next hunt. It's amazing how no one can remember what happened last year let alone twenty years ago.

Have you ever asked:
  • Who has taken the most deer?
  • Which hunting stands are most productive?
  • Which time of day is most productive?
  • Which combination of factors are most productive from my previous hunts?
  • How many shots did I take at that deer last year? tracks this and other information about your hunting trips such as: weather, date/time, shots taken, shots missed, etc. to help you create more successful hunts.

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    Hunter Silouette
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